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”I have gained so much more clarity about what it is that is really important to me and what I can best focus my energy on to achieve my goals” - Jessie                                                                                                                           

Imagine having regular focused time completely on your hopes, dreams and challenges? Life Coaching is a transformative tool to support you to move into the future you dream of as well as work out what those dreams are! Having a coach is primarily an inspiring and encouraging process.


I work with you to find your own inner tools and resourcefulness to step into the most productive and beneficial future for you. In sessions we'll use an integrative approach, using supportive and focused conversations, visualisations, mindfulness and creative tools to enable supportive, positive and motivational foundations.  I believe my client is an expert of their own life and through the process of non-judgemental conversations I aim for my client to come away from sessions with a sense of the possibilities and expansiveness of the choices and actions before them.


As your Coach I will strive to facilitate your transformation and be a supportive partner on your journey... like a cheer leader who encourages you to live the life you have imagined! Unlike your friends I may challenge you and check your personal narratives, if I sense they don't truly support you, in a kind and compassionate way. Through this ongoing conversation deep beneficial changes happen.


Initially we get everything on the table and from that establish your priorites and direction to focus your energy.  Every step of the way I am there to check in with and support you on your journey.  If blocks or old patterns arise I will support you looking at what’s stopping you and help unearth your hidden insights and treasures to move forward. If things are flowing well we will celebrate that together and acknowledge what’s been learnt and accomplished.  Coaching is a deeply inspiring, reflective and gently challenging process to help you find your own inner wisdom and creativity.


Through coaching sessions you can…


  • Identify your priorities and find your direction

  • Connect with your purpose, meaning and inspiration to realise your potential

  • Create work/life balance

  • Feel more focused and confident in your life from  creating nourishing foundations to work from

  • Create a life that is fulfilling, meaningful, authentic and joyful

  • Get clear about your goals.I will help you determine what’s really important to you and help you stay focused on that.

  • Create wider perspective, strategies and be accountable. Coaches keep you on track and moving forward toward new levels of  achievement. For many of us, having someone we answer to motivates us to act.

  • Get clarity of your own wisdom, tap into your skills and  and learnings to positively benefit your future

  • Identify blind spots. Coaches help you figure out what you don’t know, and they clue you in to things you may not be able to see. They will be honest with you because they are not vested in any specific outcome.

  • Co-create focused action steps to reach your desired end goals, on a personal and project level

  • Feel happier. Because coaches help you identify and align to your values, create a focus, cut through clutter, and clear to, they help you increase your professional  and personal fulfilment.


​My clients come from a wide variety of backgrounds...  


Self-employed Creatives * Environmental & Social Changemakers * Alternative Therapists * Teachers * Mums * Doctors * Coaches * Musicians * Wilderness Experts * to name a few!


What linked them all was a desire to change their present situations by taking the courageous steps to create a life they loved on a personal or community level. Through coaching sessions we clarified their focus, got a clear sense of direction, connected with what deeply nourished them, and moved into manifesting their ideal life - with me supporting them every step of the way.


I coach around two main themes....

Change Makers

Change Makers

I coach clients who have a passion for making a positive difference in the world... Great for creative people running their own business', creating pioneering pathways in the world or supporting others in their work. An integral part of my coaching is creating a better work/ life balance for my clients... so they have the capacity to live a better quality life, keep passionate about what they do, create meaningful work, be more organised and present to each moment and essentially work more effectively and efficiently with a clear strategy.


Through coaching sessions you will connect with your bigger purpose, inspiration and aims behind your work to realise their fuller potential. You will gain more spaciousness, clarity, focus and energy around what you want to do, through learning skills to work more effectively and efficiently we'll create clearer systems on what's most important to you and what you can let go! 



I coach clients at transition/ crossroad times in their life who want to step into a happier, healthier, more authentic and fulfilling life, with a greater work/life balance.


Transition times are fabulously potent times, full of space and possibility to create new beginnings but you can also feel overwhelmed or confused when you're at those crossroads!


Having a coach alongside you during these times is a really great support to help you navigate unchartered unknown landscapes with support and encouragement every step of the journey.


How can you take steps to feeling healthier in mind, body and spirit? One of the first things we look at is ‘What makes my heart sing?’ – looking at how we feed and nourish our heart song and uncovering passions.


Magic happens when you do what you love...

" It was very good for me to have clear practical goals to achieve between sessions, and helped me gain a sense of progression.” - Jay

“It is such a lovely experience to have someone there just for you. Someone to listen, to share ideas, clear blockages, empower you to go out there and ‘start the ball rolling.”                               Bev

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