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  • How do I coach?

  • What happens in Sessions?

  • How long are sessions & how many?

  • Coaching packages


How do I coach?

I coach by phone, Zoom or in person in Sussex... 


Zoom/ Phone - I have found again and again that coaching via Zoom or phone is just as effective as sessions in person.  It means you can be in the comfort of own home or combine it with your working day.  You can be anywhere in the UK or the world for your session, sometimes just in your own bed in your pyjamas!  I have done many powerful sessions purely by phone, without us ever meeting in person.


Face to face - I also do coaching face to face…. in my space or out walking on the land if you are based in Sussex.


In the wild - I love coaching sessions while walking in the wild because its such a great environment to reflect in and breath in new air!  Nature can teach us a lot as we move, breathing in new possibilities and letting go of things that don't serve us. There are a number of easy accessible beautiful walks around Lewes  - my favourites are along the Ouse River or up on the South Downs numerous ancient paths.






What happens in sessions? â€‹

  • Coaching is a conversation between you and me, a completely confidential space to get your ideas on the table and sift through whats important and what you can let go of too to create a clearer, authentic life that touches your heart. 


  • Together we work through your inspirations, visions, purpose, looking at what you need to get you manifesting, as well as checking what beliefs and challenges are stopping you step forward.


  • Out of each session you will create realistic actions over the weeks to move you closer to manifesting your vision as well as looking at how your actions affect your life, your community and possibly the world!


  • You will gain greater clarity and motivation through the coaching to step into the changes you deeply connect with, getting clarity and understanding on whats important to you.


  • We will recognise and celebrate your successes on the way.



How long are sessions & how many?
Each session lasts 1 hour and can be weekly, fortnightly or monthly. The first session is always a little longer at 1 hr 20 mins.


I ask clients to commit to a minimum of an initial 6 sessions so we can delve deep and create strong foundational support together. This is spread over a weekly, fortnightly and monthly schedule. Sometimes this is all a client needs or it can be added to, to create a longer ongoing support as you travel your path.  Sessions can then be extended as requested by the client in 3 - 6 or 12 session blocks. Sustainable change takes time as you change your neuron pathways and patterns and therefore 12 sessions are highly recommended to commit to your long term results. It is possible to start with a minimum of 6 sessions  spread over 3 months.


Often clients find it supportive to continue either fortnightly or monthly after that to keep connected to ongoing support as they keep there vision moving forward and evolving.  


I've created 2 Coaching packages which suit some of my clients...


About Creators/Changemakers...

This package is great for people creating new ideas/ projects in the world and solo-entrepreneurs who want more support. Particularly supportive and helpful if you are pioneering being the change you wish to see in the world through your work, want to work more effectively, or want to nourish and enable better work/ life balance. I ask clients to commit to a minimum of 6 sessions to get the ball rolling but recommend 12 sessions to create sustainable change. This package is also great for clients who have a project idea or dream but don’t know how to make it a reality or don't know how to get it moving from thinking to manifesting. 


  • Together we will work through your inspirations, visions, purpose, and look at what you need to get you manifesting, as well as checking what beliefs and challenges are stopping you step forward.

  • Out of each session you will create realistic actions over the weeks to move you closer to manifesting your vision as well as looking at how your actions affect your life, your community and possibly the world!

  • You will gain greater clarity and motivation through the coaching to step into the changes you deeply connect with, understanding whats important to you.

  • We will recognise and celebrate your successes on the way.


About Transitions...

Ideal for clients looking for greater wellbeing in their life and living a more authentic heartfelt life. One of my mottos in life is- ’Living stylishly and well’ and this is manifested in these coaching sessions.


  • We will look at whats really important to you and your bigger longterm dreams.

  • How can you create better work – life balance, or life – work balance?

  • How can you take steps to feeling healthier in mind, body and spirit? One of the first things we look at is ‘What makes my heart sing?’ – looking at how we feed and nourish our heart song and uncovering passions.

  • You will come away from the sessions with a clearer understanding of what is most important to you and what doesn't serve you anymore in your life, as well as real actions you can implement realistically into your daily life.

  • You will create your very own tool box of support skills to keep supporting you in your wellbeing in daily life.

  • Apart from the inspiration and support that comes from the coaching to your life, I also bring in guided meditations and little homeworks to build into daily life to create greater wellbeing for you in the long term.


"When we change then way we look at things, the things we look at change"  Wayne Dyer

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